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10 Tips for a Greener Office

12:06 PM Posted by Slamy

BIXBY, OK -- Standley Systems is offering a list of ways to keep your office green.  On Wednesday the company brought lists of these tips to area businesses hoping they may go green as well.

"We're basically just giving them ten green tips they can do in their current enviornment that doesn't cost hem any money but has a pretty signifigant return" said Director of Sales Greg Coscia.

10 Timely Tips for Going Green

  1. Print double-sided.  If you must print and copy, make documents double-sided. Set this as a default on your printer and computer.
  2. Minimize printer emissions.  Reduce the number of personal desktop printers to minimize printer emissions in the work area.
  3. Maximize computer efficiency.  Make it a habit to turn off your computer, and the power strip it's plugged into, when you leave for the day.
  4. Use electronic cocument management techniques.  Avoid or reduce making copies by using electronic distributions, and retain documents on your computer or server.  Make good use of scanning technology and e-mail attachments instead of faxing.  Don't print draft materials, proofread off of computer or video displays instead.  Encourage the use of online forms rather than paper forms.
  5. Be bright about light.  Make it a habit to turn off lights when you're leaving any room for 15 minutes or more and utilize natural light when you can.
  6. Purchase environmentally preferred products.  Purchase items that are recyclable, made of recycled goods and use less packaging.
  7. Reuse office materials.  Recycle folders, paper clips, envelopes, post-its, hanging folders, batteries, rubber bands, etc. Reuse packaging materials and Styrofoam.
  8. Recycle everything.  Almost all paper types: cardboard, glass, aluminum, plastic, steel, tin, milk boxes, and juice containers are recyclable.  Toner cartridges, batteries, CDs, and floppy disks are also recyclable through recycling centers and manufacturers.
  9. Give preference to locally, regionally or nationally made products.  Buying locally helps conserve fuel, oil, emissions, electricity and other energy sources as well as boosts the local economy.
  10. Develop & publicize written sustainability policies and procedures; mandate employees uphold them.  Executive sponsorship and communication is key!

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